Throwing Weapons

[Order Ability]

Order Weaponmaster
Description From much practice of non-traditional techniques, you are able to wield your weapons in a way that would surprise even the most challenging of opponents. Enemies will now think twice about how to approach a warrior who can throw his longsword or great axe with deadly precision.
Requirements none

Select an Armed Combat skill. Any weapon classified used in this skill that isn't already listed in the Ranged Combat skill group can be used with the skill Ranged Combat: Thrown.

The range increments for Small weapons are 5/10/20/30 +5; for Medium weapons, 2/7/15/25 +2; and for Large weapons, 2/7/15/20 +2.

Specialties can also now be purchased for each individual weapon that can be thrown.

Improvements Select a new Armed Combat skill to use as a thrown weapon.
