A great leader and warrior among the Woses, you receive the undying loyalty of those under your care.
Order Skills: Inspire +2, Intimidate +2, any one Lore skill +1, Observe +2, Persuade +1, Ranged Combat (Darts) +2, Run +2, Unarmed Combat +3
Pick 5 Bonuses: +1 to any order skill.
Pick 1 Edge: Armour of Heroes, Command, Hammerhand, Rank, Stern
You are of a noble family within your clan, commanding fealty of your lessers and owing allegiance to the clan's king.
Order Skills: Armed Combat +3, Debate (Negotiate) +2, Inspire +2, Intimidate +2, Any one Lore +1, Any other one Lore +1, Observe +2, Persuade +2
Pick 5 Bonuses: +1 to any order skill.
Pick 1 Edge: Charmed Life, Command, Hoard, Rank, Stern
You are of a royal house, either kin to the throne such as Arwen, a notable person of renown such as Glorfindel, or descendant of such that has earned renown and confidence in the affairs of your people.
Order Skills: Armed Combat +2 Debate +2 Inquire +1 Inspire +1 Intimidate +2 Any Elven Language +1 Lore: Realm (choose) +1 Observe +2 Persuade +1 Ride +2
Pick 5 Bonuses: +1 to any order skill.
Pick 1 Edge: Command, Eloquent, Healing Hands, Hoard, Rank, Wise
Born to privilege in the Shire or Bree-land, you are a Hobbit gentleman or gentlewoman of some wealth, and you bear a name of some import in your community. Though you may not be wealthy, you are considered to be of the upper-class, and other Hobbits will generally defer to you.
Order Skills: Debate +2, Inquire +2, Inspire +2, any one Language +2 (usually Sindarin), any one Lore +3, Observe +1, Persuade +3.
Pick 5 Bonuses: +1 to any Order skill.
Pick 1 Edge: Charmed Life, Eloquent, Favor of Fortune, Hoard, Rank.
Requirements: Must be a Hobbit.
You are a lord of any of the kingdoms ruled by the Dúnedain or one of its chiefs once the kingdoms were dissolved. You command what few are left of your people while owing obeisance to the Chieftain of the Dúnedain of the North – all that remains of the Line of Isildur.
Order Skills: Armed Combat +3, Debate +2, Inspire +2, Intimidate +2, Language: Quenya +1, Language: Sindarin +1, Lore/History: Dúnedain +1, Observe +1, Persuade +1, Ride +1
Pick 5 Bonuses: +1 to any order skill
Pick 1 Edge: Command, Healing Hands, Rank, Stern, Woodcrafty