[Order Ability]
Order | Magician |
Description | You have a strange gift that seems to come to your aid at just the right moment. This special talent is an innate spell ability, though you might not recognize it as such. |
Requirements | none |
Effect |
Since this ability costs far fewer picks to acquire than the standard rules for innate magical abilities prescribe, it is subject to certain limitations: • the innate ability is usable once per day for free; after which each additional use costs a point of Courage • the innate spell must cost 1 pick and have Weariness TN 8 or less • the innate spell affects only you, not other persons or objects • the innate spell’s effect must be invisible or extremely subtle Good spell choices for this ability include: Beast Cloak, Blessing of Aulë, Blessing of Elbereth, Blessing of Oromë, Cold-Ward, Detect Foe, Hide’s Virtue, Invocation of Elbereth, Keen Senses, Mind Shield, Rain-Ward, Resist Fear, Sense Power, Shell’s Virtue, Spoken Thoughts, Steady Hand, Stout Body, Strength of Limb, Swift of Foot. |
Improvements | none |
Special | This can be the first Magician order ability taken, as an alternative to Spellcasting. The ability can be taken only once. |